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Fox News

Breaking News: Political Unrest Spreads Nationwide

Riot Police Clash with Protesters in Major Cities

Police and National Guard Units Called In to Restore Order

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Widespread political unrest has engulfed major American cities, prompting the deployment of riot police and National Guard units to restore order. The protests, initially sparked by allegations of voter suppression, have escalated into violent clashes with law enforcement. Tear gas, rubber bullets, and arrests have been reported in several locations.

The unrest began in Philadelphia, where hundreds of protesters gathered outside city hall to demand a recount. The situation deteriorated rapidly after scuffles between protesters and police, leading to the use of force. Similar protests have since erupted in Atlanta, Detroit, and Minneapolis, with reports of property damage and injuries.

"This is a very dangerous situation," said Attorney General William Barr. "We will not tolerate violence or lawlessness. We are working closely with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of our communities and the protection of constitutional rights."
