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Extension Shows Dislikes

YouTube Dislikes Disappear

Extension Shows Dislikes

With YouTube removing the dislike button, users have been left in the dark about how popular or unpopular a video is. However, a new browser extension is looking to change that. Return Youtube Dislike, an extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, allows users to see the number of dislikes on a video, even if YouTube has hidden them.

API Still Blocks Dislike Count

The extension works by using YouTube's API to get the dislike count for a video. However, YouTube has recently made changes to its API that block the extension from getting this information. As a result, the extension only works on videos that were uploaded before December 13th, 2021.


The removal of the dislike button has been a controversial decision by YouTube. Many users feel that it is important to be able to see the number of dislikes on a video in order to make informed decisions about whether or not to watch it. The Return Youtube Dislike extension is a valuable tool for users who want to continue to see this information. However, it is unclear how long the extension will continue to work, as YouTube may continue to make changes to its API to block it.
